Frequently asked questions

Here are some frequently asked questions, but if you can not find the answer to any query you may have. Please do not hesitate to contact us directly.

Q: Who is this retreat for?

A: For women looking for a fitness holiday with a difference. People come on our retreats for a variety of reasons. They may be looking to kick start a fitness regime or to improve existing fitness levels and challenge themselves. Some are looking to lose weight, or simply just to get away from the daily grind, treat themselves to quality ‘me time’. Whatever your reason for coming, we will ensure that you achieve the most out of your experience.

Q: Is this a mixed group?

A: No this is a women only event.

Q: Will my fitness be assessed when I arrive?

A: Yes, our instructors will assess your fitness on your arrival. This won’t be a scary military style test, but will be based on our activity questionnaire and what we see when you arrive. We accommodate ALL fitness abilities and sessions are designed so that everyone can work to their own level. Our experienced staffwill be there to encourage you and make sure you get the most out of your stay.

Q: What if I feel my fitness is not good enough?

A: Do not worry. Our retreat has been designed to suit all levels of fitness, shapes and sizes. We prioritise rest and recovery, we are not seeking to test our bodies or push any limits.

Q. Are we obligated to join in everything? What if we are too tired and can’t do anymore?

A: We will encourage you to participate as fully as possible to expose you to all the experiences but if you feel that you need to miss a session then you are free to do so. We encourage rest and recovery. We ensure that there are options to enjoy treatments during the day and evening if preferred.

Q: Do fitness sessions involve shouting and screaming by the staff to the attendees?

A: No. The Strength Sanctuary is about working out with like minded people, motivating each other, working as a team and having fun. Our team use positive encouragement to get the best out of you.

Q: Can I have my own room?

A: Yes, subject to availability. You can opt to take your own room or choose to share to reduce costs. If you choose to share then you can either be partnered up with another guest who has travelled on their own or with a friend. We have a number of different size rooms so it may be possible to share with 2 or 3 others. Please notify us at the time of booking if you wish to share with specific friends.

Q: Is smoking allowed?

A: Yes but only in designated areas . These will be outside and out of sight of the other users, as we want to offer our guests the opportunity to refrain from smoking if they choose to.

Q: Is alcohol allowed?

A: We do not serve alcohol at our events.

Q: Are phones allowed?

A: Phones are allowed but many guests decide that a ‘digital detox’ will enhance their retreat. Phones are not to be used during sessions and activities.

Q: I have had medical conditions in the past can I still attend?

A: If you have a current or historical medical condition that could be affected by our intensive program, we recommend that you consult your doctor for clearance before booking. We will ask you to complete a medical questionnaire so that we are aware of any health issues in advance of your retreat.

Q: How do I book?

A: You can book by making a reservation with our team. You will need to be allocated a room and you will be asked to pay 50% of the accommodation costs before your booking is confirmed.

Q: Do I have to pay the cost in full prior to arriving?

A: No we require 50% to confirm your reservation, the final payment will be requested 10 weeks before arrival.

Q: What is your cancellation policy?

A: If you have to cancel your booking a cancellation fee will apply. Please read the terms and conditions prior to booking. However, we do appreciate that sometimes-unforeseen circumstances can arise and as long as we can fill your place then we will happily move your booking to the next mutually available date without charge to you.

Q: Do you have WiFi facility at your premises for internet connection?

A: Yes

Q: What will I need to bring?

A: A full and detailed kit list will be sent once you have booked your retreat. You do not need to buy expensive kit or equipment. You will be doing a lot of exercise so we suggest you bring plenty of fitness clothes. We also recommend you bring waterproofs as many of our activities will be outside and unfortunately we cannot control the weather! You will need at least two pairs of trainers, one for indoor and one for outdoor use. Washing and drying facilities are available for you to use during your stay.

Q: What is the accommodation like?

A: The accommodation is carefully chosen with your comfort in mind. We only use high rated venues in beautiful rural locations to ensure that after a hard day’s training you can relax and unwind.

Q: Where exactly are you and how do I get there?

A: Our Retreats will take place in Kent . All travel details will be confirmed when you have booked, but we are easy to get to and have parking on site. We are approximately 1 hour and 30 from London by either car or train, so commuting should be relatively easily. We will organise transfers from stations if needed.

Q: What time will I have to arrive?

A: Arrival time is from 2.30 pm on the first day. We can assist in arranging transfers from the station or we will welcome you at the accommodation. If you cannot make the arrival time, please let us know so we can be on hand to welcome you in and save meals if neccessary.

Q: What if I need to leave suddenly?

A: Please refer to our terms and conditions. You will need to notify our staff if you choose to return early. No refunds will be given for early departure.

Q: What will we eat on the retreat?

A. Three wholesome filling meals served communally, with snacks available throughout the day and plenty of fluids. Our food will be locally sourced and where possible, organic. Our menus are unprocessed and free from added sugars and alcohol. We plan our menus carefully to fuel the hard work and leave you feeling satisfied and nourished. We take the thought and effort out of meal times all you need to do is enjoy the food.

Q: Will I be hungry?

A: We do not restrict portions. If you feel hungry during your retreat then we will find you a tasty, nutritious snack.

Q. What if I have a food allergy or intolerance.

A. We will be sending you a medical and nutritional questionnaire once you have made your reservation. Please inform us of any specific requirements and we will cater for you.

Q: Will we be eating together and where will this be?

A: Yes. the team and the guests will eat together at a large communal table, inside or outside depending on the weather.

Q: Will there be much free time for spa treatments, calling home etc?

A: There will be small amounts of free time available during the day. You can choose to purchase spa treatments which can be taken during the workout timetable or in the evening when classes have ended. There are gaps in the schedule for meals, snacks and to allow clothing changes and there is free time from 7 pm onwards.

Q: Will I lose weight?

A: We do not promise weight loss. We focus on building strength and eating well. Our menus are free from sugar, gluten, wheat and alcohol so you will be eating clean and giving your liver a rest. You may find that you lose some weight, but remember you will be building muscle which weighs more than the fat you are replacing.

Q: What equipment do you supply?

A: We will supply all exercise equipment that you will be using.

Q: Who will train us? What qualifications do you have?

A: You will be guided by fully qualified and experienced instructors throughout your stay. We will also introduce a other qualified external instructors to vary the workouts, these will include personal trainers and mountain bike/paddleboard instructors .

Q: What time do I arrive and leave?

A: Guest arrival is at 2.30pm on Friday and we vacate after our last session and breakfast on Monday if it is a 4 night retreat at 9.30am and 4.30 pm on the Sunday if it is a 2 night retreat. Full details will be sent before arrival regarding time, location and a suggested kit list.