Amy Lamont

24 January 2017 by  

Amy is a YMCA fit qualified personal trainer and group exercise instructor.

As a teenager Amy’s main sport was football which she played and coached (playing competitively for Arsenal FC for 8 years). After a teaching degree in Physical Education Amy worked in the media and voluntary sectors before having children. After having children, Amy developed a serious Marathon habit (she is training for her 12th Marathon) and decided to retrain as a Personal Trainer.

Since qualifying as a Personal Trainer Amy has worked with a diverse variety of people, supporting them to reach their personal fitness goals. She has worked with people who are new to exercise as well as experienced competitive athletes and many others in between.

Amy’s teaching aims are to make sessions fun, varied and achievable; using a range of different styles and approaches to keep things interesting. This translates to group classes as well as one to one sessions.


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